Saturday, June 19, 2010

Aqeedah At – Tawheed : Shirk – Definition and Types – Part 2

The first point of rectification is Aqeedah, and at & we have a weekly segment devoted to Aqeedah alone. Come, join and take benefit... insha Allaah... about the most important part of Islam our beliefs our Aqeedah.
Click Here  to read Part 1 of this article!

Aqeedah At – Tawheed : Deviation in Human Life – Part 1 – Must Read!

"What's the solution to the problems of Muslims? What should we do?

Should we follow the path of our ancestors, or should we make our own path or should we follow the Path shown by our CREATOR through his messengers. All the messengers of ALLAH came with the central message of believing in Only One ALLAH and directing all forms of worship to HIM Alone, and teaching the ways to worship HIM. All the messengers showed the path of ALLAH's liking which leads to the gate of eternal bliss. All the prophets warned against all the other paths that earns ALLAH's wrath, which leads to the gate of eternal sorrow and pain. Our Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him)) was the last and seal of all prophethood and messengership, and we Muslims are his ummah (nation). Hence, we Muslims should strictly follow the path that ALLAH shown us through him and reject all other paths.

10 Ways of Protection from Shaytan

1.“And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.” [41:36]
2. Recitation of the two soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas, as they have wondrous effect in seeking refuge with Allah from his evil, weakening Shaytan and protection from him. This is why the Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said: “No person seeks refuge with anything like the Mu`awwidhatayn (soorahs al-Falaq and an-Nas)”. [an-Nasaa’i, 5337]

Friday, June 18, 2010

What Happens in the Grave

We went out with the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to a burial of a man from the Ansar (original inhabitants of Madinah) until we arrived at the grave, and he still had not been placed in the slot of the grave. Then Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him peace be upon him sat down and we sat around him. You would have thought that birds were upon our heads from our silence, and in the hand of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him peace be upon him was a stick which he was poking the ground with.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to Preserve the Muslim Family

By Sumayyah bint Joan

Muslim families are at the crossroads today. The Western model is not a suitable pattern for the family life. Its style of family life has resulted in conjugal infidelity, large scale marriage breakdown, high rates of divorces, separations, broken homes, alcoholism, drug addiction, libertinism and the like


Hope and fear these two are the components of love for Allah. After realizing the level of our faith, we should not loose our hope and always try to increase it.
As we are already aware the "Sign of Weak Imaan" which we discussed last week, now it's time for us to know the "Ways to Increase Imaan".

Medical Benefits of Salah

There are several medical benefits of Salat (Namaz):- of offering Salah and as every Muslim knows that the best part of Salah is the sujood, that is the prostration.
No wonder the Quran has mentioned the word sujood, prostration no less then 90 times in the glorious Quran. Where [do] you do sujood in the Salah? Normally when you [stand] erect, blood does flow into the brain but it is not sufficient for a healthy brain. During Salah when you [go into] sujood extra blood flows into the brain, which is very important for [a] healthy brain. When you do sujood, this extra blood supply to the skin on the face [helps] prevent diseases such as chilblain etc.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Characteristics of the Believers

Yahya ibn Muadh (rahimahullah) gathered the characteristics of the believers in one of his essays as follows,

  • "It is to be full of modesty, and to be harmless too.

  • To be full of goodness and not to be corrupt.

  • Saturday, June 12, 2010

    Will Allaah forgive someone who commits shirk? How can he strengthen his faith?

    Question: I would like to know if Allah will forgive somebody who has done shirk knowingly but wants to change his ways for good forever pls it is very important and another thing how can such a person be forgiven and know that he is forgiven and how can a person increase his iman and do the things that are halal and avoid haram plus be void of psychological problems becoz i have alot of hem and they bring alot of confusion and anger and lead me astray thank u pls i am very desperate for guidance from Allah in the form of a person.

    The Message - The Story of Islam l Free Download

    Perhaps the single greatest motion picture ever made dealing with Islam. The Message (Al-Risala) is now available in a new digitally mastered version, presented in widescreen with optimized picture and sound. Bought to you by &